Thursday, November 17, 2011

Taming Fire: The First Scientist

Cox, Mary Beth. "'Taming Fire: The First Scientist?'" Odyssey: Adventures in Science Oct. 2009:

29-30. Print.

Fire, fire, fire... Why! It is so dangerous and in some ways scary. Why did we start to make them? A long time ago they hated fires, fires destroyed their lives. It destroyed what they lived in and what they had to eat. We started to make fires around 250,000 years ago. The first use of fire was about one million years ago. The evidence of use of fire are; hearths which are basic fireplaces and burnt rocks and bones. It is believed that fire is what brought us all together. We used to gather around the camp fire. One of the reasons that we believe we started to make fires was to cook food, also fires kept them warm when it got cold.

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